How To Select The Right Face Pack For Glowing Skin

How To Select The Right Face Pack For Glowing Skin

Authored by : Mahima Agarwal
  • 23 September 2022
  • 7 mins read
Reviewed by : Dr. Kanchan Kachroo

Taking care of your skin often seems like a task and while we all know the best ways to take care of our skin, we may not always have the time or energy to indulge in lengthy rituals. Want to know the secret of doing the bare minimum and still end up with glowing, radiant skin? Well, there are two aspects of it. 

Number 1: consistency. Sticking to a simple daily CTM routine goes a long way. Cleansing, toning and moisturising (in the same order) is the holy trinity of basic skin care and if done correctly using natural products that suit your skin, you’re in for healthy, glowing skin for life that can even combat the signs of ageing. 

Number 2: add brightening face packs for glowing skin at least once a week. The daily routine might meet your skin’s hydration needs but your skin needs a little more TLC to be able to heal itself from the effects of everyday pollution and also stay free of pigmentation, dehydration and breakouts. 

In this article, we’ll focus on the second part, that is creating your face pack routine, selecting the best face pack for glowing skin and using it correctly in a way that gives you the best results.

How to select a face pack?

Looking for the best face pack for skin whitening? Or the best face pack for acne? The first step in selecting the right face pack for glowing skin is knowing your skin concerns and the goals you want to achieve. The second step is knowing the natural ingredients that can help you get the kind of skin you desire. 

While selecting the best face pack for skin whitening, make sure there are no drying alcohols and artificial fragrances in the composition as they often do more harm than good. For instance, the Kama Ayurveda Suvarna Haldi Chandan Face Pack is an ideal face pack that gives you an instant radiance boost. It contains turmeric,( Amba Haldi specifically), which is a natural illuminator and contains antibacterial properties that purify skin and make it look more smooth. The anti-aging properties of Sandalwood or chandan come in handy to fight pigmentation while leaving a soothing effect on skin. The additional goodness of rose and orange peel extracts lend your skin the antioxidants and protective barrier it needs.

How to use Kama Ayurveda Suvarna Haldi Chandan Face Pack:

  1. Take 2-3 tbsp of the face pack powder and mix it with rose water. Alternatively, you can also mix it with milk or yogurt to form a paste.
  2. Apply this paste on cleansed, damp skin and leave it on until the paste has dried.
  3. Rinse well and use the face pack twice a week for best results.

Note: A face pack is a product that stays on your skin for longer for the drying process so make sure it’s absolutely natural and ayurvedic to avoid any side effects. A fail-proof way to ensure that is doing a patch test before applying the face pack on your whole face.

Face Pack vs Face Mask

Both face masks and face packs are used to treat dehydration and work similarly on your skin. However, both are different in nature. Face masks are non-setting while face packs are setting masks. Unlike the masks, face packs take time to set and dry on the skin while face masks do not dry off easily.

Can you make a face pack at home instead of buying?

The answer is a loud, roaring yes! Our homes and kitchen pantry have some amazing skin-friendly, natural ingredients that can be mixed together to make a face pack at home. However, make sure that the recipes you use are backed by science and not just randomly sourced via the Internet. A lot of times even natural ingredients listed in face pack recipes may not suit  your skin. It's always best to know what your skin needs and do a patch test to avoid any side effects. Remember to use a broad spectrum sunscreen before stepping outdoors.

How to make a face pack at home?

Making a face pack at home is super easy and we are here to help you with effective DIY compositions for various skin types and concerns:

1. Best face pack for glowing skin

Saffron Infused Face Pack

A natural brightening active that is celebrated in Kama Ayurveda’s Kumkumadi range, saffron adds a dewy golden glow to your skin. You can take a few crushed strands of saffron and add it to 2-4 tablespoons of lukewarm milk. Let it cool down. You can use it as is or add honey or sandalwood to it. Apply this over clean skin and leave for at least 15 minutes. Rinse.

Almond Face Pack

Soak 4-5 almonds in milk overnight. The next morning, peel their skin and grind them with the milk to make a paste. This paste is ideal to apply overnight and wash in the morning for the best results. Use this mask 2-3 times a week for radiant, glowing skin.

2. Best face pack for skin whitening

Banana & Almond Oil Face Pack

Mix almond oil and banana to make the best face pack for skin whitening. Just mix mashed banana pulp with almond oil and leave it on until it is dry. Banana is a great source of vitamin C and B6 for the skin which encourages collagen production. This is also the best tan removal face pack.

Shop Kama Ayurveda’s Organic Almond Oil that can be used on face, hair & body

3. Best face pack for oily skin

Fullers’ Earth Face Pack

We have all heard our mothers and grandmothers raving about the magic of multani mitti. Well, there’s a lot of truth to it. Just mix 2 spoons of multani mitti with rose water to make a paste. Apply it any time during the day and up to 2 times a week.

4. Best face pack for dry skin

Fruit Face Pack

Mash a slice of ripe papaya and mix it with honey to make the best face pack for dry skin. Honey is a natural source of moisture, antioxidants and is a gentle exfoliator which cleans your pores without drying your skin. Just use a tablespoon of honey with some banana pulp and use it twice a week for best results.

5. Best face pack for acne

Clay Face Pack

Bentonite Clay is known to treat many skin allergies and acne and makes for the best face pack for acne. Mix clay powder and water and apply the thick paste on your face. Rinse it off and you’ll see that your skin has been freed of excess sebum that causes acne.

Also try Nimrah Anti Acne Face Pack


Kills acne-causing bacteria by 44%** in just 15 minutes!

Small Text: *Based on clinical studies conducted over 28 days.

**Based on an in vitro study with P.acne 

How to use face pack?

A face pack can be effectively used once or twice a week to combat many skin problems like acne, dryness, itchiness, pigmentation and dark spots. You can also use a face pack with aromatherapy oil as a relaxing, self-care ritual to de-stress yourself. Read on further to know the complete steps of how to use a face pack and apply it correctly.

How to apply face pack?

Applying a face pack is no rocket science. Just be mindful of a few things to get the best results.

How to apply face pack step by step?

1. Cleanse:

Make sure your face doesn’t have any dirt, oil, or makeup before applying the face pack. This is to make sure there is no obstruction and the face pack ingredients are absorbed by your pores.

2. Apply:

Use clean fingers or a soft brush to spread the face pack evenly across your face. Tip: apply the pack in upward motion to avoid itchiness when the pack dries. Also make sure you’re not scrunching your face or talking while the face pack is drying.

3. Let it dry:

While it is advised to let the face pack dry completely, make sure you’re not letting it stay on your skin for too long otherwise your skin will lose its natural oils. Most face packs can be removed after 15-20 minutes max.

4. Rinse:

Always use lukewarm water to wash your face. Remove the dried residue gently without scratching your skin. Also pat dry your skin gently with a soft towel as your skin is generally more sensitive and tender after the process.

5. Moisturise:

Follow up with a natural hydrating moisturiser or a natural, ayurvedic face cream like Eladi Hydrating Face Cream to replenish your skin’s moisture. Additionally, you can use a facial oil if your skin is extra dry to supply adequate moisture to it.

So now you know everything about selecting the right face pack for skin whitening along with the homemade recipes of the best face pack for oily skin, best tan removal facepack and facepacks to combat problems like acne and dryness. We hope we’ve answered all the queries you had about face packs! Wishing happy and healthy skin to you.


About the Author
Mahima Agarwal
Mahima Agarwal

Mahima Agarwal is a writer and content creator with 7 years of experience in the digital and lifestyle content industry. She supports clean, environment-conscious fashion and beauty products and also recognises the power of ayurveda when it comes to skincare. Mahima loves to gather inspiration for her writing travelling the world.

About the Reviewer
Dr. Kanchan Kachroo
Dr. Kanchan Kachroo

Certified Ayurvedic Doctor (Central Council of Indian Medicine) working in Kama Ayurveda as an Assistant Training Manager.

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